Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Movie Trivia's da Illest!

Rated G

In the film Back to the Future how fast must the DeLorean be traveling in order to go through time?

In your opinion...

Express your thoughts...write a comment...let me know what you think....

At what point in the year is it ok to start listening to Christmas Music?

Movie Trivia's da Illest!: Answer

Question: How many Land Before Time films are the there?

Answer: Are you ready for this....13 feature length films not including the sing-a-longs and short films.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movie Trivia's da Illest!

Rated PG-13

How many Land Before Time films are there?

Are my Thumbs up or Down? : 2012

You're spending Saturday morning breakfast with your family. You made pancakes, eggs, some bacon, and are just about to pour your orange juice when it happens. The ground starts to shake, the lamp on the table falls over, the shaking increases you get under the table and shield your family. The roof begins to collapse, your house is falling apart all around you. Suddenly your ex husbands comes in the front door yelling at you to get in the car.
Your ex drives you to the Santa Monica airport with the world literally falling apart. Huge skyscrapers fall the freeway is destroyed and the ground is falling into the ocean. Sound pretty intense well that is a cake walk compared to the destruction shown in the Roland Emmirichs new earth destruction movie "2012".
This film is a wild ride from beginning to end. With creative justification as to why the world is coming to an end. Emmirich takes on you on a journey worth watching more than once. The visual effects of this film are stunning. All though the film is completely driven by the effects with very week story this film is a movie to turn off your brain and get taken away on a journey.
So my thumbs are.........UP for "2012"
Go see this movie but don't go if you want relax this film can be a little stressful. ENJOY!

Movie Trivia's da Illest!: Answer

Put these Speilberg films in order for past to present...

"Jurassic Park"
"Saving Private Ryan"
"Catch Me If You Can"
"The Terminal"
"War of the Worlds"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ever Wonder What Chickens Do When You're Not Looking

In honor of todays Movie Trivias da Illest this blooper if from "Jurassic Park".
This one you may have to watch in slow motion to catch.
When Dr. Grant and the kids are hiding behind the fallen tree running from the Gallimimus the T-Rex comes out from behind the trees and eats one of the little Dinos. Watch the one the that gets eaten. Right before it meats its maker it jumps through the neck of the T-Rex! There is a slight mistake in the Computer Animation.
If only dinosaurs could actually have jumped through their predators they might have stood more of a chance!